Thursday, December 9, 2010

As The Heel Turns

Last night I stayed up until 3AM working on my MIL's socks.  Well, one of them, to be exact.  I stayed up late because I was trying to get the heel flap done.  It knits up pretty fast.  I planned on stopping there, but the turning of the heel tempted me to continue on.  I don't know what it is about turning the heel on socks, but I love it!  It fascinates me how it turns out when you do it correctly.  And it's not difficult to do either, so long as you're paying attention for the gaps on either end so you know when to SSK or K2tog.

I've got the heel turned on the first sock now.  I compared it to the other sock which is still not ripped back yet.  It's still knit in the needle size that the leg of the sock was knit with.  When comparing them side by side, I see that going for the smaller needle size on the foot is definitely the right choice for these socks.  Big difference!

I'm going to set a goal to have that first sock complete, or most of the way complete by the end of this weekend.  Christmas is looming and I need to get it done.  I may not get it complete by this weekend, but hey, it doesn't hurt to have goals!

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